id you know skin cancer causes more deaths than motor vehicle accidents? The risk of getting skin cancer is higher in men than in women – 67% of Australians who die from skin cancer are men. It’s recommended that you get a skin check done every 6 months or annually at the very least. Here’s why.
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer is primarily caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, which causes DNA damage to skin cells. If this damage is too severe and the body is not able to repair it, then faulty cell replication occurs, triggering the growth of abnormal cells that eventually become cancerous.
Get regular skin checks
Staying sun smart and getting regular skin checks is the best way to stay protected against the risks of getting skin cancer. Most health insurance providers cover all or part of one annual skin cancer screening.
Check your skin at home
Get to know your skin with regular self-checks to maximise your chances of detecting skin cancer early. Look for spots or moles that are:
• Sore – a spot that is sore and doesn’t heal within six weeks
• Changing – in appearance (size, shape, colour or texture)
• Abnormal – looks or feels different, stands out from other spots and moles
• New – spots that have appeared recently Am I at risk of skin cancer? Everyone may have some risk of getting skin cancer, especially if you’re not being sun smart. This risk also increases as you grow older. You’re more at risk of getting skin cancer if you:
• Have family history of skin cancer
• Are particularly prone to sunburn
• Have fair skin or have many moles on your skin
• Spend a lot of time outdoors without sun protection
• Have a compromised immune system If you would like to discuss insurance that may cover skin cancer, please reach out.
Any advice is general in nature only and has been prepared without considering your needs, objectives or financial situation. Before acting on it you should consider its appropriateness for you, having regard to those factors.